Tuesday, December 30, 2008
5 Questions
1. What is your favourite thing about being a mom?
I would have to say that not having to miss any of those fantastic moments is my favorite part. Getting to see all the firsts and get all the payment of love, hugs and kisses. Being a part of shaping two beautiful boys into hopefully great men.
2. Complete this thought: "If I ever met George W. Bush in person, I would ask him..."
What kind of drugs his mother did while pregnant. Seriously. Something had to be done while he was in utero for that man to be so fuct in the head!
3. If you could make me into a Starbucks drink, what would I be and why?
You would have to be a soy chai latte. Mainly because they taste fantastic but are low in calories and therefore low in responsibility. Very low maintenance, like your friendship is. The soy and chai are mainly due to you being a health nut ;)
4. If you could change one thing in your life, what would it be?
This one is very easy to answer. I would make my children NOT be autistic. It is the one thing in my life that I have the most trials with. I would even make my own health worse to improve theirs. They would be even more spectacular little men if they didn't have such huge communication issues. They are already so bright.
5. What are the three most influential movies you've seen, and why?
The first would be Boyz in the Hood. It really was an eye opener for me as a young adult. I mean, I lived in a bad neighborhood, but never had anything like this. It was a great movie and story for any who haven't seen it, I highly recommend it. Fantastic movie.
The second one would be Pump up the Volume. Seriously! I saw it in high school and it made me truly embrace my originality and learn to love it and myself for what I stood for.
The last one I would have to say is Garden State. It also was a movie about being true to yourself. Its a lesson I think I've had to learn many times. Plus, that one has a fantastic story line to it.
Here are the rules if you want to participate in 5 Questions.
1. Send me an email saying: ”Interview Me” to sumita69@gmail.com
2. I will respond by emailing you five questions. I get to pick the questions.
3. You can then answer the questions on your blog.
4. You should also post these rules along with an offer to interview anyone else who emails you wanting to be interviewed.
5. Anyone who asks to be interviewed should be sent 5 questions to answer on their blog. I would be nice if the questions were individualized for each blogger.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Honest Scrap Award
1. I have NO tact. Ok, if we're being totally honest, I have very little tact. I thank my mother for this fact, because I have even more tact than she does. Everyone who knows me likes to say that I have a monthly tact allowance. Once it is gone, it's gone.
2. I like to consider myself original and artistic. I don't always believe that I am, but I like to think of myself that way. I write bad poetry and ok stories and I play the clarinet passably. I can sing, as long as I have a bucket to carry a tune in. So while I may not be fantastic at these things, I definitely like doing them.
3. I'm addicted to World of Warcraft. The game and the people I play with are so much fun. There aren't many nights that I would rather be doing something other than playing the game with these awesome people. And yes, it can be considered Social. Demented and sad, but social.
4. I'm not a girl. Well, I mean, I have girly parts, but I don't act or think like a girl most of the time. Most people classify my sex by my name. "She's not a girl, shes a _____" Insert my name there. I've tried to think like a girl and I just can't follow their brain patterns. It does not compute with my linear train of thought.
5. In spite of #4, I do actually read some romance novels. Not ALL of them, but I read the Twilight series and I read a few of the supernatural romance authors. Yes...they are romantic, but I also get caught up in the characters. I can honestly say I like the action (and no, not THAT action) scenes better than the drippy love stuff. Hence the supernatural romance books.
6. I am Sexist. Honestly, I am! The problem is that I'm sexist against Women. I apply generalities to them and stereotype them constantly. I think we all tend to downplay things we don't understand. Its not like I don't want women to be able to vote, or get paid more than men. I just think they are over emotional and at most times, predictable in the way that they act. Except when they aren't and then they are kind of crazy. See...I told you!
7. I love my boys. (no, thats not the honest part) When they go to school or to grandma's house I am VERY thankful for the break. While I do love them, they also wear me out and sometimes drive me crazy at times. I don't know what I would do if they didn't sleep well at night.
8. Country and Heavy Metal music are the only types of music I actively hate. Everything else I can, at least, normally find some redeeming quality about it. The lyrics, the beat...something. rarely do I find one of those two types appealing in ANY way.
9. I normally scare children when they first meet me. I'm not sure if its the fact that I'm a 6 foot chick or I give off a crazy Oompa-Loompa vibe, but 9 times out of 10 they don't quite like me at first. Even after becoming a mom, this still happens. I actually think its more the Oompa-Loompa vibe. They just have to realize that Oompa-loompa's are actually fun.
10. Hmm...the last Honest thing about me. Well, at least that I'm posting on this blog. I think I'll have to follow in Chocolateer's footsteps and say I play D&D. Actually I play many RPG's. I find them highly entertaining and love the change to use my imagination while interacting with others. Plus, killin' stuff is just plain cool! Ok, not REAL stuff, but imaginary stuff. It all happens in your head, you see?
So there ya have it. 10 Honest things about me. I'm sure to some, this was not even close to being shocking.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Ode to Kia-boo
Monday, December 15, 2008
One of my Favorite books
From Illusions… Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah By Richard Bach
(the messiah is leaving and trying to explain it to the many)
And he said unto them, “if a man told God that he wanted most of all to help the suffering world, no matter the price to himself, and God answered and told him what he must do, should the man do as he is told?”
“Of course master!” cried the many “It should be pleasure for him to suffer the tortures of hell itself, should God ask it!”
“No matter what those tortures, nor how difficult the task?”
“Honor to be hanged, glory to be nailed to a tree and burned, it so be that God has asked,” Said they.
“And what would you do,” the master said unto the multitude, “if God spoke directly to your face and said, ‘I command that you be happy in the world, as long as you live’ What would you do then?”
And the multitude was silent, not a voice, not a sound, was heard upon the hillsides, across the valleys where they stood.
And the master said unto the silence, “In the path of our happiness shall we find the learning for which we have chosen this lifetime. So it is that I have learned this day, and choose to leave you now to walk your own path, as you please.”
And he went his way through the crowds and left them and returned to the everyday world of men and machines.
Monday, December 08, 2008
My Frame of Mind
Mending Wall
by Robert Frost
Something there is that doesn't love a wall,
That sends the frozen-ground-swell under it,
And spills the upper boulders in the sun;
And makes gaps even two can pass abreast.
The work of hunters is another thing:
I have come after them and made repair
Where they have left not one stone on a stone,
But they would have the rabbit out of hiding,
To please the yelping dogs. The gaps I mean,
No one has seen them made or heard them made,
But at spring mending-time we find them there.
I let my neighbor know beyond the hill;
And on a day we meet to walk the line
And set the wall between us once again.
We keep the wall between us as we go.
To each the boulders that have fallen to each.
And some are loaves and some so nearly balls
We have to use a spell to make them balance:
'Stay where you are until our backs are turned!'
We wear our fingers rough with handling them.
Oh, just another kind of outdoor game,
One on a side. It comes to little more:
There where it is we do not need the wall:
He is all pine and I am apple orchard.
My apple trees will never get across
And eat the cones under his pines, I tell him.
He only says, 'Good fences make good neighbors.'
Spring is the mischief in me, and I wonder
If I could put a notion in his head:
'Why do they make good neighbors? Isn't it
Where there are cows? But here there are no cows.
Before I built a wall I'd ask to know
What I was walling in or walling out,
And to whom I was like to give offense.
Something there is that doesn't love a wall,
That wants it down.' I could say 'Elves' to him,
But it's not elves exactly, and I'd rather
He said it for himself. I see him there
Bringing a stone grasped firmly by the top
In each hand, like an old-stone savage armed.
He moves in darkness as it seems to me,
Not of woods only and the shade of trees.
He will not go behind his father's saying,
And he likes having thought of it so well
He says again, 'Good fences make good neighbors.'
Thursday, December 04, 2008
Top Ten Girl Rules
Top Ten Girl Rules
1. Never openly ask for anything. That would be rude and selfish. Instead whine incessantly about your problems until someone volunteers to help you. (if they don't volunteer to help, be pouty and sullen and gossip about them behind their back for being insensitive)
2. Never tell a person if you are angry at him or her. That's WAY too confrontational. Instead tell everyone else that you are angry, because it's important to vent your feelings. Give the person you are angry with the cold shoulder. If they really care about you, they'll be concerned enough to figure out what's wrong.
3. Be totally derisive toward any activity or characteristic that is typically males, but me mortally offended if anyone makes the slightest potentially negative comment about women. These are enlightened times, after all.
4. Don't confuse issues with the facts of the matter. If you feel one way about something, its completely insensitive and inconsiderate of anyone to try and reason you back to reality.
5. You deserve to spend money on new shoes, clothes, make up, craft supplies, hairdos, manicures, purses and any other personal items. You need these things. Be shocked and argumentative when the man in your life buys a new power tool, fishing rod, or computer upgrade. These boys have to grow up and scale down their toys sometime.
6.When you go to someone to garner sympathy about a difficulty you are having, be hurt and offended if they dare suggest a possible solution to your problem. If they are male, cry and then refuse to tell him why you are crying. Do this in spite of the existence of rule number 1.
7. If a girlfriend or female acquaintance gets a new haircut, dress or is about to embark on a new undertaking in her life, smile and be very supportive. Lie if you must. After all, there will be plenty of opportunity to discuss your real thoughts on the matter behind her back.
8. Your a model of modern feminism, self-confidence and woman power. Anyone suggesting otherwise is obviously trying to pull you down. It is only because you are so fulfilled that you are secure enough to constantly ask "Does my hair look ok?" "Does this dress make me look fat?" "Do these shoes match my outfit?" "Well, what are you going to be wearing?"
9. You are a mature woman, able to discuss and resolve major life issues, run a business, and manage teams of people. Therefore, when dealing with men on a personal basis, remember, sex and tears are your main tools of trade and manipulation.
10. DENY every item on this list. VEHEMENTLY deny that you are, in fact, a girlie girl.
so, from now on...I'm not denying I'm a girlie girl. I'll let everyone judge that for themselves. I will, however, never follow a rule ON this list *grins*
Friday, November 28, 2008
Giving Thanks
10. I'm thankful that money worries are few and not adding to stress.
9. I'm thankful that we will be getting the level 1 waiver soon
8. I'm thankful that, overall, the kids physical health isn't all that bad.
7. I'm thankful I don't have the stomach bug and hope it stays away from my house.
6. I'm thankful that I have such a great game as WoW to play every night and that the people I play with are so damn fun.
5. I'm thankful that my stress isn't as bad as it could be.
4. I'm thankful that my children sleep at night.
3. I'm thankful for all the close friends I have and hope that they stay close...always.
2. I'm thankful for my husband and all his many great qualities.
and last, but not least...
1. I'm thankful for the many ways my children, despite the fact that they cannot speak, have still found to communicate just how much they love me.
Happy thanksgiving to all! (even you crazy Canadians who have it in October)
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Long Lost Friends Found
I found Mischief there. Recently Both Billy's-Sister and The Vampire found me. Just a few days ago, so did Sunshine-Girl. Mischief you all know. Billy's-Sister. We call her that because at one time I was hopelessly head over heals in lust with her older brother Billy. We dated for a time, and he was SUCH the "bad-boy". I got over him, but my friendship with his sister lasted. The Vampire...boy did I have the BIGGEST crush on him in high school. I got over that too, but I call him The Vampire because I always thought he would of made a great one. Should I ever get bitten and give up my immortal soul, I'm finding him to turn him as well. Guess he better watch out *grins*.
last, but certainly NOT least, is Sunshine-girl. Sunshine-girl and I were friends in the fourth grade. We were BEST friends in the fourth grade at Sands Montessori. Sunshine-girls family moved to Florida that summer. I was heart broken. At first, we wrote letters. That lasted until Sunshine-girl talked her parents into flying me down there for a week. My mom helped with half the cost and I got to go see my Best Friend! I was thrilled. We went to Disney world, bush gardens, the beach, the pool....it was great! Sure, I was homesick, but it was a fantastic time. I won't embarrass her by posting the pics I still have of that trip. OK...actually...I won't embarrass myself. She was gorgeous.
So I went home and I think we stayed in contact for a very short while after. Not long though. I think I always regretted that. She was a great friend.
I log into facebook the other day and who do I see adding me as a friend but Sunshine-Girl! I was thrilled. Nice to know we still have some things in common after...jeez...25 years! wow..thats a long time. So hats off to Sunshine-Girl and her wonderful husband and beautiful little girl. I wish her all the luck and look forward to seeing pictures of the new little on in April. Glad to have the sunshine back in my life again!
And, since I've started a trend with Music, here is a song that makes me think of "good times, noodle salad.." (quote from As Good As it Gets)
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Friday, November 21, 2008
There is no "normal". So in honor of that...and how Wierd I am, I have a few things to share:
The first is a poem. It was written by a really good friend of mine from my Senior year in high school, Tom Ruthman. People said we looked like brother and sister, I could never see it. He was still, a very good friend. And not a half bad poet:
I Was Normal...By TR
The other night
I had a terrible dream
And when I awoke
I woke with a scream
On my lips
Cold sweat pours
Salt water stiinging
The open sores
Which are
My eyes
See terror
My reflection of
The night just past
Went by so fast
What I saw
So horrible
In my dream
I was normal
The second being an Avril Lavigne song. I'm not a huge fan of Avril, but this one SO fits my mood and topic. The video I WANTED to enbed is here, but the enbedding has been disabled...so you can go watch if you like: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=igVme-Ti8-k )
So there ya have it. Those are my deep thoughts stolen on a Friday morning. Go out there...live...breathe...smile....and be LESS than Normal. Normal is SO overrated!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
-Chastity from 10 Things I Hate About You
For the past few weeks I have just been overwhelmed. Overwhelmed with kids, with life, with responsibility. They say, "When life gives you lemons, just say 'Fuck the lemons,' and bail." (surf instructor in Forgetting Sarah Marshall). Thats pretty much what I felt like doing. Fuck the lemons and get me outa here. None of this lemonaide crap. No pollyanna. Just get me out of here.
But as you can see, I'm still here. I didn't leave...I didn't take off...I'm still here. Things are a bit better now and I can see the lemonaide there on the counter. I still refuse to believe its actually there, but at least I can look at it every now and then.
Yes...my deep thoughts are about lemons and lemonaide. And yes, I'm starting to believe I must be crazy. But...as Riddle-Me-This says, "were all a little crazy". I guess i'm a more "little crazy" than others. Most of my friends would agree.
I'll leave you with my favorite song of the month:
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
All the OTHER little minions

Saturday, November 08, 2008

Wednesday, November 05, 2008
Music for the Soul

I remember that small little theory class (it was theory 4 I think) and the 6 of us with our teacher who looked like a 6'2" Albert Einstein. I had SUCH a good time talking and writing and having brad play it all on the piano. It was just...awesome. I miss it, but I also don't remember much of the actual theory. So...hence the refresher book.
lets hope it does my soul some good. My smile could use a polish and a shine these days. So i think that next week, I will break out the ole clarinet and play me some stand by me theme music. Then curl up in a chair and figure out how to write music to all these words in my head. Not that I can sing ANY of it...mind you. I do have a few friends who can belt out some notes...maybe they can help me with that part. You carry the tune, I'll carry mine...in a bucket.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Coffee Talk

Wednesday, October 22, 2008
I just spent the last 5 days having Faerie and her family stay with me because their power was out. It taught me quite a lot. It taught me that I can survive in chaos, that my kids can as well. It taught me that I really love my sister. That I really love her children. That her eldest really needs to land flat on his face to figure out what life is about. That the next eldest girl friend is a big sweetheart. The one after that really CAN follow the rules and that her little girl really is in her own world, and its pretty there. Yeah, it had its trying moments, but all in all, more bearable than I thought possible. Glad to have my house back, but it was a good experience.
In other news, next Tuesday, we fill out the paperwork for the level one waiver. I know, those of you who aren't American and don't have a "special needs" child are now saying "What? do i say hooray?". Yes....cheer, toast and get excited. This waiver gives us a renewable 5k per year, PER KID for respite (thats baby sitting in fancy terms). A big part of it will be used in Summer camp next year, but some will also just be used to get us out of the house. Its renewable for 3 years and then I think you either go back on the list or get to redo the paperwork again. regardless, 3 years seems like heaven now. So that is exciting news.
Huggie Face (the second eldest) is coming on vacation with us the first week of November. He's never been to a resort...so I'm betting he will have a good time. Whats nice is Cuddle Bug (his girl friend) is going to Canada that same week so one won't be stuck home sobbing away for the other. I'm hoping it'll be a good trip overall. I need to take a few days at the end of next week and get all packed up. joy joy ;)
We are back in swimming lessons on Saturday. Going well there so far. Licker was a bit tired last week, but we are trying to nip that 5am wake up in the bud so lets hope hes better next week. Still, they love swimming so much. Will be nice to have indoor pool access on vacation. I ever remembered to request a room on the first floor so Licker wouldn't have to deal with stairs or an elevator. :) Yea me!
So thats basically it for now. Not as exciting as last blog, I know, but I was trying to look at the learning from the pain instead of complaining about the aches.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Get your Kleenex....(And added Jim Butcher on Pain)
Also wanted to add this, since it fits the theme. I have been reading the Dresden files, By Jim Butcher. A passage in White Night that really hit home I read last night on pain. I have reproduced it here for you:
"We still hadn’t learned, though, that growing up is about getting hurt. And getting over it. You hurt. You recover. You move on. Odds are pretty good you’re just going to get hurt again. But each time you learn something.
Each point you come out of it a little stronger, and at some point you realize there are more flavors of pain than coffee. There’s the little, empty pain of leaving something behind—graduating, taking the next step forward, walking out on something familiar and safe into the unknown. There’s the big, whirling pain of life upending all of your plans and expectations. There’s the sharp little pains of failure, and the more obscure aches of successes that didn’t give you what you thought they would. There are the vicious, stabbing pains of hopes being torn up, The sweet little pains of finding others, giving them your love, and taking joy in their life as they grow and learn. There’s the steady pain of empathy that you shrug off so you can stand beside a wounded friend and help them bear their burdens.
And if your very, very lucky, there are very few blazing hot little pains you feel when you realize that you are standing in a moment of utter perfection, an instant of triumph, or happiness, or mirth which at the same time cannot possibly last—and yet will remain with you for life.
Everyone is down on pain, because they forget something important about it; Pain is for the living. Only the dead don’t feel it.
Pain is a part of life. Sometimes it’s a big part, and sometimes it isn’t, but either way, it’s a part of the big puzzle, the deep music, the great game. Pain does two things: it teaches you, it tells you your alive. The it passes away and leaves you changed. It leaves you wiser, sometimes. Sometimes it leaves you stronger. Either way, pain leaves its mark, and everything important that will ever happen to you in lifeis going to involve it in one degree or another. "
I think it puts things into perspective. It may be a little "glass is half empty" but its also "glass is half full"
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Brought to you by
They Might Be Giants. They have here come the abc's which my children love and now have come out with here come the 1 2 3's. This has become the Master's new theme song (or so he wishes) and I adore it so.
If you ARE inclined, be sure to find 9 pirate girls too. That one is another fave.
So theres my thoughts for now. So deep they are ;)
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Crazy days and nights in Purple Land!
I'm attempting to list out projects and triage them now. fun fun. I'm also attempting to find a form of exercise I'm even remotely interested in. Also looking for easy but healthy recipes. Ok...so I like the purple sky in my world. Reality will smash down at some point, I know. but I can dream.
Speaking of dreams...had a very odd one about losing my left hand last night. All in all, very strange. Had to go to Canada to get the prosthetic one because those experimental Canadians had one that would hook up to my nerves and I could move it. Crazy canucks!
In other news, The Master and I are attending A Respite Speed Interviewing Event. Families and respite (thats fancy babysitting terms when you have special needs kids, folks) care providers get 8 min interviews and try find a match. Its 3 hours long and they say you should bring your kids. I kinda laughed at that and quickly called Drama Queen and asked her to watch the kids for a few hours. Lets hope we can find some prospects. having one 15 year old and a grandma we don't want to leave them with for very long as babysitters gets a bit tight.
other than that, not much is going on here. Oh, Licker (formerly Volume) is a little stinker and is talking some at school, but not at home. Though trouble talks some at home but not at school. So I guess they are trying for balance ;)
That sums up life around here. As we await the new patch and expansion and bury my head away from news and politics and pretend the sky is a nice shade of lavender :P
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Exercise really does SUCK

In other news, Trouble is tracing letters at school. I really want to go in to see how they are getting him to do this. Instead, I'll more than likely just try a myriad (do I get extra points for the use of the word myriad?) of ways at home to see if he wants to write.
Volume is loving school. Loves his teacher. Has fantastic days and she says he works hard. Our first field trip with both classes is September 29th to a play farm near their school. Lets hope it goes well.
So our neighborhood has these really stupid greenery laws. We got notices that our pine tree was over the side walk (which we fixed) and that there was paint flaking from our house. did they bother to even state "on the left side" oh no...that would be FAR too useful. So I proceeded to play phone tag with them. FINALLY got an inspector out here and hes NOT the inspector that did the citation. The new inspector can't find the spot where the paint appears to be flaking anywhere. He does mention that our house could use a good power washing (lemme pull THAT out of my back pocket) and the bushes need trimmed.
You know what I think? I think that this greenery law crap was started by some old bitty that hated the way her neighbor mowed his freakin lawn. You know, the one who dresses up her stone geese on her porch? I think it started there and got out of hand. I mean, jeez! You cite me for something your fellow inspector can't even find. I'm not going to spend the cash to power wash my home on your whim that "that might be it".
Piglets idea was to rip up all the bushes and what not and put in bad lawn ornaments. Flamingos and a whole flock of geese. While funny, not a valid option. I'm sure I'd be cited for having too many lawn ornaments or some such nonsense. She also said I should get a goat, (named ZA, WoW fans) and just let him trim the bushes by eating them. Also, while entertaining, not a valid option. Though this one DOES entertain me:

So...the master asked me to call the inspector who cited us today and play nice. Playing nice when angry is not something I do well. But, hes in a training class and can't call himself. I think hes hoping we'll just get let off with a "well if you took care of the tree" thing...He doesn't know my Karma by now? I'm sure she'll come and tell me to power wash the freakin house too *sigh*
I will channel my chi and do my best to sound like a toned down version of a stepford wife and call the inspector (who happens to be female, that doesn't help my case) and play nice. Lets hope its just the nicked spots at the bottom of the garage door.
Don't these people understand I'm too busy for this crap? ;)
Wish me luck!
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
Update on "the list"
1. Exercise at least 15 min 3 times a week. This will start next week..the house is a mess!
2. Clean something at least 2 hours a week. CHECK cleaning the whole house this week
3. Start making healthier dinners since I have time before the kids get home. CHECK bought stuff at the store yesterday for this!
4. Work on something fun (gaming to WoW based) at least one day a week kinda Check...Scheduled Thursday as Wii Day and Friday as WoW day.
5. Take one full 3 hour afternoon to myself every week. Kinda check, see above.
6. Start making goal lists of things to work on teaching, and UNteaching the kids. prioritize these in order of how much they need to be done. Pick one for each kid. Talking to "The Master" about these...we are working on them, but haven't laid it all out yet.
7. Start working on Licker to sit for short periods and eat "real" food at the table. Meal times, not as important as Trouble doesn't follow them, but he at least eats "meals". Plan on starting this next week as well.
8. Be in good contact with their teachers to find more activities for the house. CHECK Daily notes and Emails!
9. spend more time trying to play with the kids. CHECK been setting aside some time each day and trying to really be available when they ask.
So all in all, not bad for the second week of school! *grins*
Amended to add a number ten:
10. Entertain Piglet. THIS is a work in progress and depends a bit on Chance and if she is running the fawn and richard game or if I am. If I end up doing it, Piglet has to run something for Dalatin or someone. Maybe Chaz *grins*
Friday, August 29, 2008
The School is back in town...

Monday, August 18, 2008
Whatever Happens in Vegas....

Saturday, August 09, 2008
Summer is nearing an end

in 9 days it will be my dog's birthday. She will be 12 years old. here's to hoping she lives to 13. It will also be the day The Master and I are leaving for Vegas for 3 days! Yes, I'm very happy to say Faerie and her children will be here watching the munchkins. I have never been there, so i asked The master if we needed to pre-purchase tickets to anything. his reply was "I hadn't thought much past being away, without kids, for 3 days." all I know is that I won't be going and losing a ton of cash. I'm not much of a gambler. Oh, and the hotel has a pool. Swimming without children is a blissful thing!
We have the possibility of hitting Iowa to see http://www.oldthreshers.com/ Yes, it looks hick, and yes it is hick, but it is also a lot of fun. It'll depend on Master's work on if they let him off or not. We'll find out after vegas if we can swing it. It would delay munchkin school, but they would only miss two days. I know they will be thrilled to go back, but riding a steam powered train and a steam powered merry-go-round, getting to see a real old settlers village and an native American village in action is educational. Not to mention all the turkey legs, tacos in a bag, pancake breakfasts...you know, all that horrid food you get to eat at fairs? Its even better here! So if the fates align, we'll hit that this year, if not...there is always next year. Check it out...its pretty cool!
Swimming lessons went fantastic this summer. I have to call the Y to set some more up for fall. Trouble is swimming over 1/2 the width of the pool on his own and even blew some bubbles. Volume/licker does great with flippers on his feet. May have to get him some. otherwise he seems a bit less aware in the water, but still loves it. The neighborhood pool has been great too. In fact, we are probably going there today.
So all in all, been a good summer. Glad its ending and were back to 3 hours in school 5 days a week this year. Blessed alone time once more!
Saturday, July 19, 2008
It is people like this that give freedom of speech a BAD name
This man makes me ill. Seriously, physically Ill. I cannot stand that fact that people are SO moronic in this world. Never again will I listen to WKRC 55 radio. EVER...unless this man is taken off the air.
What a crock...
EDIT: and he continues to make a fool of himself:
It is people like this that give freedom of speech a BAD name
This man makes me ill. Seriously, physically Ill. I cannot stand that fact that people are SO moronic in this world. Never again will I listen to WKRC 55 radio. EVER...unless this man is taken off the air.
What a crock...
Monday, July 14, 2008
Autism: 1 Impossible Family: 0
I did, however, have someone send me a pretty cool article on Autism, so i will share it with you. http://abcnews.go.com/Health/Autism/Story?id=5349700&page=1
My Father-in-laws response was "Alright! Lets flip those switches!". If only it was so easy, eh?
In good news, they are both doing very well this summer. Trouble is living up to his nickname AND his brothers. He is climbing all over everything in the house and throwing little tantrums (the doctors say this is a good sign....mmmhmmm) and swimming up a storm. yes, I said swimming. The boys is fantastic at it. Put something on him that helps keep his skinny head above water and let him LOOSE! its great for all that extra energy he has. Volume (who I feel bad calling that now) is doing great with eye contact. He is a pretty good swimmer himself as well. I got asked at swim lessons if we had taken them off or put them on medication because they were doing so well.
In other news...there is no real other news. The inlaws are coming for a visit this week. They haven't sen them since January. Trouble will hopefully show off his extended vocab (which now includes things like water "otter" and puzzle). and they can be impressed with his fantastic lung capacity and great climbing skills.....heh
Oh, I guess there is other news. I have a cool new phone! mp3s and pics and unlimited text and web! thats good, right? Looks just like the masters, so we took different background pictures. Mine is of volume, but I think I may try and get trouble causing trouble too. Volume just always looks cute ;) You can see the halo!
Monday, June 23, 2008
Poop goes in the Pottie!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Full Swing

Sunday, June 01, 2008
School, Summer and POTTIES!!!!
We also move to a new school next year. I am kind of sad that they are going to end up in the special education class. Kinda breaks my heart, but I also know that its not because they aren't smart. Man, they are SO smart! Its more they are socially not quite right. So learning some things...not so easy. Volume can read. Really! They give him a word and theres a pile of pictures on the table and he pics out the picture to match the word. Trouble. Want to talk about a problem solver. Boy gets himself around any obstacle (and were not talking jungle gyms here, folks) and patterns...hes fantastic at memorizing those. So i'm sure (or I will make sure) they are getting the challenges they need there. They get included in normal kindergarten class at least once a week, which is good. They learn so much better from Peers. all in all, while sad, I think its a healthy move. And Troubles gonna LOVE the new play ground! Volume will go nuts with 2 computers in his room and the computer lab just down the hall ;)
So I just have to survive the intensive...then 2 weeks of solo flying for the summer, then its Camp Sunshine. We love camp sunshine! 1.5 hours of toys and songs and snack, 1.5 hours of swimming in the baby pool! What else can you ask for? (its at the YMCA folks and its only 25 bucks a week per kid and runs 2 weeks) So the last 2 weeks of june I get 2.5 hours a day (considering travel) to myself! Then its time to have a nanny 2 days a week to save my sanity. :)
Went to the ASD Fairfield support group. Met with some ladies who filled me in on a few things that I didn't know. So I will be taking some time this summer to research the fact that they may be eligible for "summer school". The school only tells you that they can do that IF they are losing skills. As it turns out, there are like 10 reasons to have your kid get continuing school. One being emerging skills...which is what is likely to get my boys their beloved school in the summer. I think it will thrill them to no end. but I figure we are set for this summer, so I'll do my homework and find out what I can for next summer. Lets hope it works. Would make Trouble SO happy.
so if you don't hear from me until after June, dear reader, (*grin*) you will now know why. Lets hope I don't get pushed over the edge of sanity...or if I do, that in my nice padded room they let me have my laptop! Maybe we'll change the name to "rantings of a once Impossible Mom"
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
4 Days of School Left
So busy busy busy is the theme of the next few weeks. I have me mentor project with my senior in High school. He wants to learn massage so were spending some time on that. I also have a house to clean soon. Its pretty filthy. Get some laundry done. In between it all Kill gruul and mags and clear Kara a few times ;)
I am glad its getting up on swimming season. Time to get that new laptop and spend some afternoons with the baby pool outside. Also hitting friends pools and what not with the cousins. Should be fun since they adore swimming so much. I'm really hoping they have a better summer...that we all have a better summer than the last one. Huggy Face should be coming to nanny for a while. Then, maybe, Money Man will have shapped up enough to take over some. Hes been into way too much trouble of late. Not showing he is responsible enough to watch the Boys. Lets hope he wakes up soon.
Thats about all...not that it isn't enough. Saber is back around, which is nice. He's come to play on our server. Tanking Prince was easy as pie last night...that was very cool. It's nice to finally feel close to the top of my game! Just in time to start over with Wrath of the Litch King!!! We'll all dive into that with the Nyhm music blaring. Mallaysia will have to respec! Oh No! Lets hope we can get Maven to 70 before then....We just gotta get her online!
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Pet Peeve
We went on a preschool field trip yesterday to a working farm where the kids get to help do chores and play with little animals and what not. Milk a goat, you know, that kind of thing. We stuck with Volume's class because I like his teacher better and both boys have been in her class before. We'll call her Boot Camp (not because she's strict but because she gets the job done). So there is a little boy in Boot Camp's class who has his mother along on the trip as well (most parents of special needs kids had to come along). Now I have 2 special needs kids myself and this little boy was very high maintenance. But what his mother would do reminded me of the British police "Stop, or I'll say stop again" technique. It was SO bad that at one point, Boot Camp took over disciplining him...in his moms lap. She would not chase after him, he broke a chicken egg, she would just look on as he got into trouble with that "What am I supposed to do" type look. Now I understand out of control kids. I understand it takes a lot of energy to chase said kids. I also understand that it is a parent's responsibility to handle it. It just made me mad that with all the other kids that Boot Camp had to deal with, this mother who was there FOR HER KID was expecting her to take care of him as well.
On another note, another child in Volume's class who I believe is on the spectrum was acting a lot like Volume did our first trip there and her mother was handling it quite well I thought. Even when she FREAKED at the rabbit, the girl did not get away or cause even that much of a disturbance. She screamed and cried, but from the safety of her mothers arms where she should be.
Maybe its just me, but if I'm out with my children, knowing they are special needs puts me on edge more to watch them and be within arms reach should they do something inappropriate (like breaking an egg at a farm) to try and stop that. I believe Maven would agree with me, having had intrepid as a child and all that went with that. If the kid at the farm had run off once or twice and she just didn't catch him in time, it would be one thing....but the kid kept running off and she would just SIT THERE. I'm not one to like to judge but it did make me angry.
So thats my vent for today. I do, however, smile at the thought that mine are not teenagers...yet. (after spending time talking to Faerie last night on the issues at her house and offering her a haven to get away tonight should said issues still be going on) I also thank God that I have a supportive husband and that we both agree on parenting. And we thank Captain Huggy-face, my middle nephew, for his wondrous help at the farm yesterday too. Without him, I think we might of been in a bit of trouble. Then maybe someone else would be blogging about my kids ;)
Friday, May 09, 2008
Pack Your Bags

Every ones family or circle of friends has at least one. My family, its usually Drama Queen, the mom. You do something and for weeks..nay MONTHS they just keep bringing it up. Over and over and over until you just want to lie down in front of a train and beg God for it to run you over just so you don't have to apologize one more time for spilling kool-aid on aunt suzie's couch!
Yes, that is how you feel, not what you do. What you do is nod and smile and say "I know, and I'm so sorry" thinking "please....please...kick me in the spleen again. I didn't feel it that time!" It makes life difficult when people just don't let things drop. When, at the time, you may have felt right but by the time all is said and done you feel you should of never said one word or done one thing because it would have been easier for you.
That IS what life is about. Oh, people say they are selfless and self sacrificing...but in the end, who do you have to live with on a 24/7 basis BUT yourself. So while I can put my wants and needs aside for others, We only do so when it is rewarding or truly needed. In the end, we look at what we can get out of it or how we feel. So I freely admit to being selfish! How liberating! I admitted it freely to the 4 people who read this blog and I feel so much better now!
Christopher Robin be damned!
Monday, April 21, 2008
Revoked License to Walk
My first thought was "Crap, I don't have my cell phone in my pocket." Because The Master was not home. My second thought was "I wonder if I can make it up the stairs." So, I sat there for a moment, waiting for my toes not to look like some strange cadaver study gone wrong and the sharp pain to calm down. I went up the basement stairs on my butt and got to a phone.
Spent the evening in the ER so they could tell me it wasn't broke. They stuck a air splint on and gave me drugs and sent me home. Farie and Money are over helping today. We are trying to keep Drama Queen from coming to drive me insane.
so thats my life at the moment. Crutches and drugs....so can this be considered a break? *laughs*
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Maintenance Day

For those of you that don't play WoW, you have no idea what this means. For those of you that do, it either means an agonizing day of not getting to play...or its time to get the errands done. For me, it almost always means Grocery Shopping day.
"But...You have 5 year old Autistic twins...YOU don't get to play WoW" I smile and say "Preschool...folks!" Too bad that the server is on California time and so it doesn't come back up until 2pm. SO...off I head to the grocery store once munchkin one and two are at school.
TODAY, infact, I get to leave earlier. Drama Queen is supposidly coming over to watch them and then get them on the bus. So I'm off to get a latte in my hand, a new haircut and then find some PJ's with zippers that I can butcher for the summer. "Why?" you ask....again, I smile and say "You really DON'T want to know"
So todays Maintenance Day will hopefully be a blissfull one, even though it began before 5 with trouble waking up (and its normally been volume doing that lately) and The Master and I turning off the monitor and opening our door...then hearing the "bam bam bam" of thier door a little before 6. Not even that can stop me from being happy today. It also helps that after The Master gets home, I get to turn around and walk back out the door and head to Chancy's (yes we need a better name) house and give her her long awaited massage. Lets hope it helps!
So today....is my day, for the most part. The afternoon, I'm sure, belongs to the kids and thier swingset. It HAS been cold and rainy, you know. Time to get back out in the backyard!
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Intensives are intense
So that song sums up my week this week. Mainly, thats all I wanted to say. 2 potty intensives at 3 hours a piece and my brain is fried...
Poop in the potty...poop goes in the potty
Sunday, April 06, 2008
They are Five....can you believe it?
This is Volume with and without his birthday crown. You may notice something that you may never see again.... He is eating a grilled cheese sandwich! This has never been seen before..or since, I'm sad to say. I keep trying though!
All in all, I think they have as good a birthday as little 5 year old autistic (sorry, children with autism) boys can have. :)
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Just A Swangin'

We took them out to see it this morning and here were some of the reactions:
(Touble is in red and Volume in the tan)




All in all, a fantastic gift with an even better price tag. Thanks all!
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
STEEL the show...
We go by the traditional gifts and this year it was steel. He came home and I came upstairs in a tiff and was almost demanding a break from the hellions since they didn't get to school today. Today, the day I planned on taking my break this week and their school is flooded. They may not get school tomorrow either and then be off for a week for spring break. but, I digress. I go into the bedroom to find a card and a steel teapot on the bed. You would think THIS would clue me in, but NO. I open the card, wondering what in the heck this was for...see the anniversary card and wow...I felt like a total schmuck.
At this point, I head downstairs to apologize and see if he wants me to run out and make some elaborate dinner. Realizing now why he asked if I wanted him to pick something up. Feeling like a total idiot and I burst into tears and an apology and get the "you really ARE the guy!" as he laughs. 11/14 years and I finally proved it beyond a shadow of a doubt.
So yeah...I come up to take the break anyway, at his insistence. No, I don't rush to the store, but i do hop online and search for a gift I can grab tomorrow after the dentist. Yes, I found one and yes I still feel guilty. At least my mom, AKA Drama Queen, is taking them Saturday night so I can make it up to him. (OK, shes taking them for Easter, but I can use it to make it up to him) If anyone has any grand ideas, be sure to shoot me an email! (yes, he reads my blog...I'M THE GUY, remember?!?)
Monday, March 17, 2008
Oh Mischief.....
IEP day was today. Looking pretty positive on that front. I brought it home to fine took comb it and make sure its all set, but I like the new teacher. I mentioned the whole nut allergy we have going on and that some schools have and allergy lunch table. all the nut allergy kids eat there. She mentioned that no one had suggested that and that she had a big mouth and would do so. I liked her instantly, for those that know me know that my mouth is no where near small. Big mouthed teacher is a good thing :)
Oh, I also had another old friend found. One from high school that we had an on and off again friendship. I have been trying all day to think of a good nickname for her, even going so far as to think I should call her "She-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named" but thats so done ;). I think, since she works in a lab now, I shall just call her Labfox. Mainly because labrat sounded too mean.
So welcome back into my life Labfox. May your stay be long and pleasant ;)
Friday, March 14, 2008
Move over Godzilla....

Destruction should be his middle name. Puzzles hit the floor with lightning speed and crashing sound. Books...not enough to throw those off the couch, the stairs are best for those. book and electronics make the best noise going down the stairs. Who cares that its the only working Vtech in the house?!? Its trash now! MY TRASH! Books have a tear, then its time to make about 40 more of those. Cards, I'm done with them, lets play 26 pickup! I think I can hit the windowsill with them from this couch. Its kinda fun when mom makes me pick up those six puzzles, so lets do it again and AGAIN AND AGAIN!!!!!!!!
So yeah...between that and Charlie resisting the whole "make a sentence" phase of pecs that we have been on for a month now (at least) I'm losing every ounce of patience I think I ever had. I yell, I scream, We have timeouts in my lap where nothing is fun, I run away, I cry...nothing seems to help. I want an emotion chip like Data so i can take it out about now. I ask Cite for help and they give some good advice but everything (and I mean everything) always leads to more work for me. So pardon me if I need that white jacket and those nice padded walls for a while. I didn't think I had enough to do...I need a nice rest. Scribbling with crayons and drooling sounds like FUN! *sings* They are coming to take me away hehe hoho haha!
Don't I wish ;). Its that old "I wish I'd break my leg so I could get some rest"...but no, I don't wish that. I'd be taking care of twins on crutches. Sad but true. And the phase they are going through...not a good one. Welcome to 5 years old. The odd years, folks, how we love em so.
At least I still have my sense of humor.....even if my sanity is NOT intact ;)
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
So I am TOTALLY back!
The kids...trouble is SO living up to his nickname. Volume, not so much. I'm thinking I need a new one for him. Bear seems to work, since hes so darn cuddly. Or something to do with computers since he is so savvy on them. He is spelling now, that volume bear. 3-4 letter words, his first and last name. He also figured out the mouse and is now all over web sites like playhouse Disney and sesame street. Trouble has learned what loud noises are fun when you throw things down the stairs. I love them both, but he can be SO trying sometimes.
We are going to start the potty training journey, so help me God. I have a feeling this is something we will be working on for a very long time and that will require me to dig deep for the patience I seem to really lack lately. On an up note, they are going to kindergarten next year. It will be in a special class, but they get to go into the normal class with an aide sometimes (is what I'm lead to believe). I need to schedule a tour of the class and make sure they will get challenged and its not just "put them in a corner and let them stim for four hours." My boys are smart. Trouble can match all his colors and shapes (and not just triangle to triangle, its like blue triangle to pizza slice) and he can pick out which is the right animal when his teacher holds up 2 beanie babies at a time. they both know all their letters and numbers and Bear can spell and I think read some. He might even know some Spanish. (living books and sesame street) So I want them challenged. I want them taught (because they learn better from people OTHER than me). so a tour is in order before their IEP in April. If I don't like what I see...its time to push or try alternative schools. I really hope I like what I see.
Me? I'm trying to keep my sanity. I distract myself when I feel it slipping. I love my kids, but I think my job is even a bit harder some days than the parents of "normal" kids. Thank God again for my memory and organizational skills.
Thats all for now. Gonna go see if my sister, Faerie, is able to go out for her birthday lunch today. If not, I have plenty of errands and an only 1/2 clean house ;)
Peace out!