Saturday, December 27, 2008

Ode to Kia-boo

R.I.P Kia Marie Wood Aug 18th, 1996 - Dec 26th 2008
She was a good dog. No, she was a great dog. She never asked for much and always behaved when she was asked too. She was tolerant of small children and loved to have her belly rubbed. She was always looking to please someone in some fashion. We didn't deserve her. We loved her very much and I do hope that she is happy in Doggie heaven, which I know she got into because she was such a wonderful dog. It was an honor to have known and loved you and an honor to be there to see you on your way to the next life. May it be a much better one than this one, for you deserve it, Kia-Boo.


The Maven said...

Kia :( I'm really sorry you lost your doggy. I know that I was a mess when we lost Munchie and still miss him very much, almost six years later.

Kia was pretty fantastic, what little I knew of her. May she rest in peace with many doggy treats on her little cloud. I'm sure Munch is up there keeping her company.

Lifeguard326 said...

Sorry to hear about Kia