Thursday, October 25, 2007

Four computers and one vacation later....

So yeah, I had a bit of a computer issue in my house. 3 of the computers we use went belly up. 2 are possibly fixable, but not with a lot of TLC and we fixed the last one and gave it to Trouble and Volume. So, for a while, I was out of a computer downstairs (which is where I USED to blog). Then...Teddy Bear gave me his wife's old computer and its a I'm back. I'm sure I've lost all 4 of my faithful readers, but I can deal. I am going to post some pics from Vacation to Gaitlinburg, but I figured I would give an update first.

Actually, come to think of it, not much going on here. Maybe its a good thing I haven't blogged in a while *laughs*. We had a visit from the man I like to call Lazarus. not just because its one of his characters, but also because every time life knocks him down, he gets back up. It was nice to see him and spend some time with him. Hes one of my bestest friends. (I can say that without him going psycho because hes a guy!) Thats really all there is to note. The kids are doing great in school.

So without further is Vacation Pics:
The whole family at the creek

Trouble loved the balcony

So did Volume

I WISH they were actually dancing. more deciding who was going in and who was going out.

Trouble and his uncles!

Just the Uncles

The creek...the park was beautiful

Can you blame the kids for loving the balcony when this is the view?

And because, yes, we are geeks

So that was our vacation in a nutshell. Well, thats a big nut, but you know.