I'm not one to normally answer being tagged. but Chocolateer and her 10 honest things about yourself intrigued me. I'm not going to tag 7 other people, but feel free to do this as well. I think it's still a free country.
1. I have NO tact. Ok, if we're being totally honest, I have very little tact. I thank my mother for this fact, because I have even more tact than she does. Everyone who knows me likes to say that I have a monthly tact allowance. Once it is gone, it's gone.
2. I like to consider myself original and artistic. I don't always believe that I am, but I like to think of myself that way. I write bad poetry and ok stories and I play the clarinet passably. I can sing, as long as I have a bucket to carry a tune in. So while I may not be fantastic at these things, I definitely like doing them.
3. I'm addicted to World of Warcraft. The game and the people I play with are so much fun. There aren't many nights that I would rather be doing something other than playing the game with these awesome people. And yes, it can be considered Social. Demented and sad, but social.
4. I'm not a girl. Well, I mean, I have girly parts, but I don't act or think like a girl most of the time. Most people classify my sex by my name. "She's not a girl, shes a _____" Insert my name there. I've tried to think like a girl and I just can't follow their brain patterns. It does not compute with my linear train of thought.
5. In spite of #4, I do actually read some romance novels. Not ALL of them, but I read the Twilight series and I read a few of the supernatural romance authors. Yes...they are romantic, but I also get caught up in the characters. I can honestly say I like the action (and no, not THAT action) scenes better than the drippy love stuff. Hence the supernatural romance books.
6. I am Sexist. Honestly, I am! The problem is that I'm sexist against Women. I apply generalities to them and stereotype them constantly. I think we all tend to downplay things we don't understand. Its not like I don't want women to be able to vote, or get paid more than men. I just think they are over emotional and at most times, predictable in the way that they act. Except when they aren't and then they are kind of crazy. See...I told you!
7. I love my boys. (no, thats not the honest part) When they go to school or to grandma's house I am VERY thankful for the break. While I do love them, they also wear me out and sometimes drive me crazy at times. I don't know what I would do if they didn't sleep well at night.
8. Country and Heavy Metal music are the only types of music I actively hate. Everything else I can, at least, normally find some redeeming quality about it. The lyrics, the beat...something. rarely do I find one of those two types appealing in ANY way.
9. I normally scare children when they first meet me. I'm not sure if its the fact that I'm a 6 foot chick or I give off a crazy Oompa-Loompa vibe, but 9 times out of 10 they don't quite like me at first. Even after becoming a mom, this still happens. I actually think its more the Oompa-Loompa vibe. They just have to realize that Oompa-loompa's are actually fun.
10. Hmm...the last Honest thing about me. Well, at least that I'm posting on this blog. I think I'll have to follow in Chocolateer's footsteps and say I play D&D. Actually I play many RPG's. I find them highly entertaining and love the change to use my imagination while interacting with others. Plus, killin' stuff is just plain cool! Ok, not REAL stuff, but imaginary stuff. It all happens in your head, you see?
So there ya have it. 10 Honest things about me. I'm sure to some, this was not even close to being shocking.
NE: Day 3....Water and Stone
5 years ago
1 comment:
The Kia-Boo post made me cry. Really, it did. I'm sitting here with tissues right now. So, I'm going to post a response to this entry instead.
Thanks for posting the scraps :)
Also, I killed the Jedi's paladin for Christmas. Merry Christmas, Jedi.
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