Saturday, November 08, 2008


Batman! No, actually its not all about the riddler, but I couldn't resist the cool art work ;). It's actually about a new friend and his great new blog name. Yes, I am calling him Riddle-Me-This. No, he's not a huge batman fan...that I know of. The name in itself has a bit of a story, hence the blog post.
Well, you don't expect me to tell a story without starting at the beginning hmm? If so, you should go elsewhere. If you want more long, drawn out stories, but still entertaining, hit up The Maven. *grins*
So "The Master" (yes that is what I call my husband. for those who don't know why, its not because of the reason you think. Its due to the fact that hes a good DM) moved to a different department at work. Now mind you, this was a little while back. for a bit, no comments. Then he started talking about this guy at work. "Riddle-Me-This" said this and "Riddle-Me-This" said that. Then Riddle-Me-This plays WoW and is going to move a character to our server. More WoW players is always a good thing.
No big. He comes on over to the server and hes fun and all. We talk, its cool. More we talk, the more we get along. I start to see what all the fuss is about. I meet the two for lunch one day and this is definitely a guy i can hang with.
Im's start...were chatting up a storm and I start to realize something... He is REALLY good at explaining things. I start asking him for explinations on stuff and he puts it in words that just match my brain! Its like...hes my own encylopedia, written for ME!
Ok, thats not all, we both love talking music too. And we joke and have fun. But he really is good at breaking things down for me. I like it. So thats why I'm calling him "Riddle-Me-This". It fits him. This is his shout out for being so cool. He also does a great podcast for anyone who who would care to listen.
So, Riddle...thanks for working with my husband and for every smile that you give me every day. Your a great guy!

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