Monday, August 21, 2006

Grocery Shopping and TV??? and Volume on the loose!

Thursday July 27, 2006

So I went to the grocery tonight, actually two different stores and on my way out of meijer as I was strolling along with my cart full of food I hear a familiar sound of the wiggles. I look to my left and what do I see but a shopping cart that has one of those car things in the front and inside is a little TV playing the wiggles!!! Wiggles Cart I was flabbergasted! TV at the Grocery Store??? I mean, on one hand, I can understand. For those of us with Spirited Children (Cough Maven Cough) it might be a boon IF they will watch the wiggles or Barney. But is it good, or another reason for kids to watch tv. Me, I’m on the fence with this one!
We went to the Children’s museum today and that was a blast. Trouble loved the water and the legos and the play kitchen (the one who goes to bed with Kitchen utensils) and Volume loved that he could run and there were books all over the place! All in all, grandma and I needed a nap! They, however, aren’t napping well so I got a 15 min one on the couch. After my talk with Maven about caffeine and what not.
I did come home to find out that Volume, in his new found climbing ability, decided to climb OUT of his crib and INTO Troubles and wake him up screaming while I was at the grocery. That was mildly entertaining ;)

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