Friday, November 28, 2008
Giving Thanks
10. I'm thankful that money worries are few and not adding to stress.
9. I'm thankful that we will be getting the level 1 waiver soon
8. I'm thankful that, overall, the kids physical health isn't all that bad.
7. I'm thankful I don't have the stomach bug and hope it stays away from my house.
6. I'm thankful that I have such a great game as WoW to play every night and that the people I play with are so damn fun.
5. I'm thankful that my stress isn't as bad as it could be.
4. I'm thankful that my children sleep at night.
3. I'm thankful for all the close friends I have and hope that they stay close...always.
2. I'm thankful for my husband and all his many great qualities.
and last, but not least...
1. I'm thankful for the many ways my children, despite the fact that they cannot speak, have still found to communicate just how much they love me.
Happy thanksgiving to all! (even you crazy Canadians who have it in October)
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Long Lost Friends Found
I found Mischief there. Recently Both Billy's-Sister and The Vampire found me. Just a few days ago, so did Sunshine-Girl. Mischief you all know. Billy's-Sister. We call her that because at one time I was hopelessly head over heals in lust with her older brother Billy. We dated for a time, and he was SUCH the "bad-boy". I got over him, but my friendship with his sister lasted. The Vampire...boy did I have the BIGGEST crush on him in high school. I got over that too, but I call him The Vampire because I always thought he would of made a great one. Should I ever get bitten and give up my immortal soul, I'm finding him to turn him as well. Guess he better watch out *grins*.
last, but certainly NOT least, is Sunshine-girl. Sunshine-girl and I were friends in the fourth grade. We were BEST friends in the fourth grade at Sands Montessori. Sunshine-girls family moved to Florida that summer. I was heart broken. At first, we wrote letters. That lasted until Sunshine-girl talked her parents into flying me down there for a week. My mom helped with half the cost and I got to go see my Best Friend! I was thrilled. We went to Disney world, bush gardens, the beach, the was great! Sure, I was homesick, but it was a fantastic time. I won't embarrass her by posting the pics I still have of that trip. OK...actually...I won't embarrass myself. She was gorgeous.
So I went home and I think we stayed in contact for a very short while after. Not long though. I think I always regretted that. She was a great friend.
I log into facebook the other day and who do I see adding me as a friend but Sunshine-Girl! I was thrilled. Nice to know we still have some things in common after...jeez...25 years! wow..thats a long time. So hats off to Sunshine-Girl and her wonderful husband and beautiful little girl. I wish her all the luck and look forward to seeing pictures of the new little on in April. Glad to have the sunshine back in my life again!
And, since I've started a trend with Music, here is a song that makes me think of "good times, noodle salad.." (quote from As Good As it Gets)
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Friday, November 21, 2008
There is no "normal". So in honor of that...and how Wierd I am, I have a few things to share:
The first is a poem. It was written by a really good friend of mine from my Senior year in high school, Tom Ruthman. People said we looked like brother and sister, I could never see it. He was still, a very good friend. And not a half bad poet:
I Was Normal...By TR
The other night
I had a terrible dream
And when I awoke
I woke with a scream
On my lips
Cold sweat pours
Salt water stiinging
The open sores
Which are
My eyes
See terror
My reflection of
The night just past
Went by so fast
What I saw
So horrible
In my dream
I was normal
The second being an Avril Lavigne song. I'm not a huge fan of Avril, but this one SO fits my mood and topic. The video I WANTED to enbed is here, but the enbedding has been you can go watch if you like: )
So there ya have it. Those are my deep thoughts stolen on a Friday morning. Go out be LESS than Normal. Normal is SO overrated!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
-Chastity from 10 Things I Hate About You
For the past few weeks I have just been overwhelmed. Overwhelmed with kids, with life, with responsibility. They say, "When life gives you lemons, just say 'Fuck the lemons,' and bail." (surf instructor in Forgetting Sarah Marshall). Thats pretty much what I felt like doing. Fuck the lemons and get me outa here. None of this lemonaide crap. No pollyanna. Just get me out of here.
But as you can see, I'm still here. I didn't leave...I didn't take off...I'm still here. Things are a bit better now and I can see the lemonaide there on the counter. I still refuse to believe its actually there, but at least I can look at it every now and then. deep thoughts are about lemons and lemonaide. And yes, I'm starting to believe I must be crazy. Riddle-Me-This says, "were all a little crazy". I guess i'm a more "little crazy" than others. Most of my friends would agree.
I'll leave you with my favorite song of the month:
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
All the OTHER little minions
Saturday, November 08, 2008
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
Music for the Soul
I remember that small little theory class (it was theory 4 I think) and the 6 of us with our teacher who looked like a 6'2" Albert Einstein. I had SUCH a good time talking and writing and having brad play it all on the piano. It was just...awesome. I miss it, but I also don't remember much of the actual theory. So...hence the refresher book.
lets hope it does my soul some good. My smile could use a polish and a shine these days. So i think that next week, I will break out the ole clarinet and play me some stand by me theme music. Then curl up in a chair and figure out how to write music to all these words in my head. Not that I can sing ANY of it...mind you. I do have a few friends who can belt out some notes...maybe they can help me with that part. You carry the tune, I'll carry a bucket.