Monday, September 11, 2006

First Day

What a sad date to attend the first day of preschool, but I didn't pick it. I took them in, trying to take off their backpacks across the parking lot. Expecting, at least, small notification that I was leaving them somewhere, I walked them each to their classrooms. As soon as they were able to shrug out of those backpacks, they were gone! Without a look backwards. I stood, dumbfounded at the doorway as I unloaded said packs for their teachers. I walked out of the door and to the office, dropping off the ever present benedryl and epi pens for my poor nut allergic boys and thinking back to a few moments ago as the staff, gathered at the door when we arrived, commenting on how grown up they looked and how big they had gotten over the summer. Its so true...they have grown. Last year, they would of been upset at me leaving. We'll see how picking them up goes *grin*

So, the loser that I am, here I my first day and I'm what...blogging and checking email? I'm such a loser! :) Hugs to K'Ballo whos dog of 11 years passed away today. May he run forever and catch that doe he always wanted. Hugs to Maven as well who is sitting at her little Gustsys preschool so that he transitions better.

I'm off to find something better to do on my first day of freedom!


Emely Traplin said...

Awww. The first day is always the saddest. I just got home with Mia from dropping Kaleb off and you'd think we'd done this all summer. No one blinked an eye.

Hugs to you, now plan things for your time away from the kids/ :)

A Chance Wynd said...

Hooray! I'm so glad they didn't have any separation anxiety today...well, at least from going TO school. The kicker will be how they reacted when you went to pick them up. Hope you got to do something truly fun after you got done blogging and checking email!

The Maven said...

*hugs* back from the Mave, of course :) First days are fun, aren't they? My three hours at the preschool was mostly spent reading (or trying to read over the sobs of lonely children, anyway).

Talk to you tomorrow, as always. I'll actually be here instead of sitting at the preschool. Fat and pregnant at preschool or fat and pregnant at home. Not exactly a big difference these days!