Friday, March 16, 2007

Then you really might know what its like...

In today's Center-Centric society, the term "walk a mile in someones shoes" is lost on most people. No, it does not mean you steal my shoes and actually walk a mile in them. It means more that you should try and put yourself in that persons place by thinking about it and trying to understand more of where they are coming from. We all judge. We all make judgements of others. Face it, the human race is one judgemental beast. It doesn't mean we shouldn't try and see things from other peoples perspective.

Why? Because it may help you. Take for instance the person who cuts you off and then honks at you on the freeway. Maybe their wife is having a baby. Maybe they had a really bad day and feel the need to take it out on you. It doesn't mean it gives them a right to do that and that you shouldn't be mad. BUT...before you judge that woman who picks up her kid by the arm and pulls him to her grocery cart.....THINK. STOP....walk a mile in their shoes.

Being a parent of Autistic, non-verbal 4 year old boys I can safely say I am judged quite frequently in public. Yes, they are adorable...and yes they are loud. NO they don't listen and they have to use sippy cups and are still in diapers. As Steve Novak would say, "Don't you judge me...don't you dare judge me." ;) But its a human habit. You see them sit in their van while their kids play on the playground and think "what a horrid mom" but...that could be her ONLY break time. And she has hit her limit and needs to separate herself, even if only by a pane of glass.

My point to my ramble and why you got too blogs today is to take a step back, take a deep breath and try...try...try to fight human nature to be judgemental and INSTEAD, walk a mile in their shoes. That woman pulling two toddlers by the arms as they scream in the store and looking like shes going to lose it could be me...and then you'd say "oh, but they are autistic" because you "know" me. Take as much consideration when your friend doesn't call, or your mom forgets your birthday and know they may not mean it the way you think.

One thing I have found that is true and always true with age. The older we are, the less we know. Think on it a while and it'll come to you. I know it will.

Walk a mile in their shoes. Then you really might know what its like...

Current mood: Deep
Current Song: Everlast "What its like"


Steven said...

All deep thoughts begin with Everlast. ;)


~*Jobthingy*~ said...

you kill me.

The Maven said...

Hell yes! Rock on, Amurkan sister. Rock on.