Saturday, September 30, 2006

I'm a freak, you shouldn't say those things

So, you be the judge:

Thank you Nelly Furtado for my title today. We all know I'm a geek. I'm not going to hide it or dane to even say I'm not. I may be an attractive geek, but I do have four eyes and a love of gaming. I've been playing a NWN server called Kismet. Its a *clears throat* social server. *she grins* but I have found a group of friends who give GREAT roleplay! Sumita, the Bard character I play there has gotten to be quite popular. I've earned the name of Siren and been told I shine brighter than the sun. I have men and women following me around just for some time or a song and I have to say I was feeling great. I must be a fantastic RPer of a half-elven bard. So, I daned to speak to a friend this evening and share some of the compliments. Lets call him Twink. He tells me, its not my great no, thats not it. "its because Sumita's face loks like a blowup doll" is what he says.

In other news, I got 9.5 hours of sleep last night...thats always good. The kids are starting the bus too school on Monday. Should I call and see if they made it? *laugh*

Until next time *grin*

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Bus...Magic Bus

What is it about the bus that kids love so much? We started with bringing them home on it and when it pulled up yesterday and honked, They both had to be drug off the bus (but Esp Volume). They love it! I'm thinking if they do that well all week, I'll see about them taking the bus in too. They are both doing fantastic in school and still love it everyday. We still do school in the basement almost every day too. I love those munchkins!

I'm sleeping better since I realized (from testing it over the weekend) that i do better on 5-6 hours instead of 7-8. (much to the Master's dismay) My major issue is that I don't wake up early well, so I'm having to stay up late or get 7-8 hours and be beat all day. I figure we'll work it out somehow...

Other than that, life is pretty hum-drum. I wake, go through my day, sleep.... repeat. I'm starting to think I need something thats just for me but my issue is I can't figure out what that is *laugh*. Oh well....until then I'll keep chugging at it and look forward to the pieces I get thrown, like my Saturday night at a hotel on my birthday weekend in 2 weeks. That should be nice. Of course, I wouldn't mind a CD player for my kitchen either *laugh*. Oh well...I'll take the night out and go swimming and love it.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Sleep? What's that?

I've had some sleepless nights lately (The Master informs me that it is NOT insomnia because I have slept 6 hours a few nights...far be it from me to point out
in-som-ni-a [in-som-nee-uh]
inability to obtain sufficient sleep, esp. when chronic; difficulty in falling or staying asleep; sleeplessness.

I think that 4-6 hours when I was getting 8-9 is insufficient. ;) One night I even only got 3. I'm going to do my best to get back to falling asleep and hope to God I don't wake up at 3am for the day. But until then, I'm cutting out naps. I just can't lie there awake in bed, so I get up and do things. Maybe I'll clean my house tonight *laugh*

In other news: Not for kids ears or eyes Hysterically funny take on Terrorism. I love it.

The kids are school so much they want to go everyday. I'm calling the bus company to see about haivng the bus bring them home soon. *sniff* they ARE growing up! I'll have to post some pictures soon.

Thats all for now, from lala land *grins* My heads a bit fuzzy and I'm starting to speak elvish. Time to get some more rest....just wish I could get tired!

Thursday, September 14, 2006

First Week

So I can never come up with catchy titles for my blog entries. All my creativity is used up coming up with Buffy game episode names and character histories. Or coming up with things to torture my players with in D&D...I warned you I was a geek!!!

They survived their first week well. Trouble is impressing his teachers, learning turn taking and even stealing the teachers chair. They are calling him the little teacher. Volume, always slower to adjust, is doing better. Today, his Aide got him to go to the bathroom and the gym today...without fits! and its only the first week! Both teachers were impressed with how far they have come this summer *tries not to strain herself patting herself on the back*

As for me...I did a ton of NOTHING this week. I had a head cold and spent a lot of time on the phone with Marven, staring at my computer screen, or re-reading the same page over and over *laugh*

Well, kids are done with bath...time to get them ready for bed! Theres your update, all!

Monday, September 11, 2006

First Day

What a sad date to attend the first day of preschool, but I didn't pick it. I took them in, trying to take off their backpacks across the parking lot. Expecting, at least, small notification that I was leaving them somewhere, I walked them each to their classrooms. As soon as they were able to shrug out of those backpacks, they were gone! Without a look backwards. I stood, dumbfounded at the doorway as I unloaded said packs for their teachers. I walked out of the door and to the office, dropping off the ever present benedryl and epi pens for my poor nut allergic boys and thinking back to a few moments ago as the staff, gathered at the door when we arrived, commenting on how grown up they looked and how big they had gotten over the summer. Its so true...they have grown. Last year, they would of been upset at me leaving. We'll see how picking them up goes *grin*

So, the loser that I am, here I my first day and I'm what...blogging and checking email? I'm such a loser! :) Hugs to K'Ballo whos dog of 11 years passed away today. May he run forever and catch that doe he always wanted. Hugs to Maven as well who is sitting at her little Gustsys preschool so that he transitions better.

I'm off to find something better to do on my first day of freedom!

Sunday, September 10, 2006


One day until we start preschool. I have had one helluva week. They had a virus all last weekend (and so did I) and then it turned into a cold. That I have now as they are getting over it. *sigh* They are well, went to Orientation and didn't want to leave *grin* so thats a good sign! I think we're all ready. I have a feeling I won't get as much done as I'd like this first week, but maybe I'll recover from my cold.

In other news, Volume is turning into tantrum. I know they say its a good sign, but wow. If yo don't get what he wants, when he wants it RIGHT then...its done. You'd think we were KILLING him! I guess its normal for 3 year olds, right Maven *grin*?

Shout out to K'Ballo. He has been a life line through the week keeping me entertained and enlightened with RP's and the like. Oio naa elealla alasse’. Also to Dizzy, my ever present kender, thank you for the music that is now stuck in my head! It is good music and the bard in me loves you for it.

Thats all folks...and I'm spent!

Monday, September 04, 2006

One Week

As of today we have ONE WEEK left until school. We spent the weekend with some virus thingy that made the boys and I lethargic and we all ran fevers. That and a loss of appetite were the only effects. So we all spent the weekend sleeping and watching TV because that was less strenious than anything else we could do. The master spent the weekend taking care of us, bless him. It seems most of the three-day weekends we get, someone gets sick...but at least its not NEXT WEEK!!!

Other than that, there isn't much happenening here. Boring but true. We have OT tomorrow (if trouble is feeling up to it) and then Orientation on Thursday from 1030-1130. I think they will be excited to see their teachers and classmates again. Not sure how I'll be juggling the two classes or if they'll pop us all in one. Maybe I'll get my exercise running between the two *laugh*. I have all their school supplies set and ready to rawk. One last week to survive and they get to go back to school!