Monday, February 12, 2007


So I spent a busy weekend with a bad cold, which was the only downside to my weekend. Well, that and Saturday gaming got canceled, but even that wasn't SO bad. We had a lovely Tomeweaver wedding on Saturday for 2 13 year olds. Highly entertaining ;). Saturday AM swimming didn't go as wonderful as we would of liked, but we met one of the therapists and found out they can join that class when they are 5, so good to know. Sunday morning brunch was a blast. The Master learned, in part, why I married him from spending time with Justin and realizing he's partly why I'm warped in all the right ways. Justin's wife was a delight, which was not a shock at all. My shout out will be to them for a fantastic Sunday morning! We have to do it again, at whoever's house.

Sunday evening my parents came over and watched the boys and we geeked out all evening. We got to level 31 and are still chugging away at WoW. It may be less time than we think before we have to get Burning Crusade. Yes, Yes I know..I'm sad. The Maven (aka Kraft dinner) didn't show last night. I guess Spawnling was a terror or her weekend trip took it out of her. I'll have to bug her after my errands today.

One thing I find wonderful about getting together with friends you made in the 7th grade and what not is seeing how each of you turned out and if your compatible as friends now. Justin and I were friends from like 7th grade to 9th and then again for a few years after high school. It has always seemed to me that we kinda fall into place with each other like feet into favorite slippers. I'd be curious to know if he feels this too. Justin isn't always the easiest to read, but always entertaining. Its just nice when the bond formed at such a young age lasts. I have a similar bond with Golden Jedi, but he is more the older brother I never wanted that turned cool when he grew up. Its still nice to know some of my friendships last, just never ones with women. *wink*

OK, off to the Monday grind. The in laws are in this weekend...lets hope that goes well. Also, Trouble has his first Birthday Party! and, valentines party at many firsts this year.

Current mood: Calm
Current Song: Add it up - Violent Femmes


Steven said...

In-laws, huh?


Best of luck to you. If yours are anything like mine, you're going to need it. ;)


Emely Traplin said...

I've had some friends since grade school as well. I love them.

Every now and then I bump in to someone from back then and wonder "what the hell happened?".

Good luck with the outlaws. Uh. inlaws.

The Maven said...

Spawnling was teething or sick. I can't figure out which one it is yet. Ugh.

Glad your weekend was good, overall. Sorry I only got to talk to you for a few minutes today. And now Geekster is working on the phone system *sigh* I'll call you tomorrow when we're snowed in!