So Trouble got invited to his first birthday party. The invitation came in the mail addressed to him. The Master and I were so excited and when we opened it, there was no name, date or time. Just a Run, Jump-N-Play invite. I sent a letter to school and in a few days they pegged down which kid was having a party. I called his mom and found out the date and time. Its today at one. We were so excited that he got his first party invite, even though she probably just invited everyone in his class, it was still pretty cool.
The day is here, we skipped swimming because were all still on the mend from colds and didn't want him too tired AND its snowing...which means he may miss his first birthday party. The roads look ugly and its like 40 min away. *sigh* So I'm a tad bummed. Although *I* will not miss the dance of the mothers. Yes, this is what I call it, and in circles where children have disabilities or dysfunctions, its a bit tamer, but still a dance, none-the-less.
It starts simple enough with the exchange of your names, pointing out your kids, telling ages and sometimes dysfunctions. Then the dance begins. The compare your kid to my kid OR the lets figure out if I can tolerate her presence for a play date. All these I fail miserably at. While I am liked and even (dare I say) loved in my social circles, to most women, I can come off has harsh and abrasive. I'm a tad honest and overly blunt and so at these things I either follow my kid around or revert to the junior high school shy. YES I was shy then, believe it or not. So networking is NOT my strong suit, no matter how much I'd love to have another house to take them too in the summer. SO I don't have to call Piglet and say "Can you pick up all of Sweetling's little toys and help me chase them around your house? they need out." or call my mother and deal with her for a few hours. I really need to look into summer programs. *sighs*
So...we may or may not have a first birthday party and I may or may not have the dance of the mothers anxiety. Honestly, I'm not sure which to hope for. I figure I'll leave it up to the beings more powerful than myself to decide. God and Mother Nature.
Current mood: Torn
Current Song: Power of Two by the Indigo Girls
NE: Day 3....Water and Stone
5 years ago
I haven't been on IM at all today. I've been playing the dance of life and keep tripping over my own feet. I need Christopher Robin to come in and take over, cause I swear I've been BUSY all day long, I'm exhausted, and the house looks terrible. So, what happened? did you wind up going to the party? If so how did it go?
(Not sure how much it matters, but you used Sweetlings name in your blog).
All fixed...and no, we didn't go. I thought the roads were bad, and they wern't and The Master was napping. So we chickened out.
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