Tuesday, November 07, 2006

What If....

A friend of mine, we'll call him Bear. We were having one of our normal existential discussions. The two most powerful words to fuck with your mind, we decided, are "What If" followed by the infamous ? To make it complete.


It send your brain reeling in every direction no matter what topic its applied too. Think about it and apply it to something in your life and see where it takes you. It can be a nightmare or a joy. Hope, disappointment. The fact that it can take you in just about every direction makes those two very simple words, combined, some of the most powerful words in the universe.

I have found the best way to counter these words is with faith. Were all prejudiced, says my friend LIVE from California. (for Evil is Live spelled backwards, and we all want to live don't we?) We pre-judge everything based on our previous experiences. We don't think that the bus we ride on will crash, so we get on it. Prejudice. So if we have FAITH that the "What If's" will or will not happen the way we hope or have faith they will. So in turn, we trust as well. Its all a big loop that leads to pessimism and optimism. I'm normally an optimist, glass is half full....

Sometimes, I say, just drink it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Absolutely. I try not to carry on with the 'what ifs' too much, because life is far too random for me to guess or wonder at much of anything.

The majority of my life is full of wonderful things. I don't know if I deserve them or not, but I do know that all of it can change in an instant... I almost got in a wreck tonight with Spawnling because someone cut me off. What if I had been distracted? Tired?

My mind will run rampant if I let it. Thank goodness I'm too busy these days to think of much beyond my own nose. I'm just grateful for everything I have today. Half full.. And I'm enjoying the beverage :)

Love ya, girlie. Talk to you on Monday *hugs*