Thursday, June 21, 2007

It's a love/hate kinda job

Motherhood, that is. I've decided to list out something I hate and then something I love about it. Let's see if it balances out, shall we?

HATE 1 I hate it that if no one else can/will do it, it falls back to me. If everyones too beat, too tired or too sick, its left to mom to suck it up and deal with it.

LOVE 1 I love that I am the one raising my kids and that I feel like whatever turns out, at least I was here for them when they were small. I think its so important

HATE 2 I hate always being interrupted all day and hardly getting a moments peace.

LOVE 2 I love the fact that I get paid in hugs and kisses and love and cuddles. Its the best currency ever.

HATE 3 I hate dirty diapers. Changing diapers and wiping noses and all that bodily fluid stuff. Oh, don't forget the partly chewed food spat into your hand.

LOVE 3 I love that I'm the first person they turn too all the time. That i'm their "favorite" if you will.

HATE 4 Ok, sometimes I hate being the first person they turn too, especially when I'm just trying to relax.

LOVE 4 I love not missing a moment of all the milestones they hit and all the accomplishments they achieve. I'm there for almost every one.

HATE 5 I hate it that I never get a sick day. Yeah, I get time when they are in school...but when I'm sick, I can never BE sick.

LOVE 5 I love that I'm the first person they see in the morning and the last they see at night. I love that I get them on and off the bus (and relish the school time break) and they just grin when they see me.

Ok, so its tied, for now. I do love my kids, I just sometimes wish that Mommy's got vacations from their jobs like the rest of the world!

1 comment:

The Maven said...

What is this 'vacation' thing you speak of? That must be a fairy tale you read about, right? :P

I'm with you on the love/hate thing. It's the most demanding and yet the most rewarding job I've ever had.

Keep writing. It's good for the soul.