Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Silk Anniversary anyone?

So its our 12th anniversary which means silk. Silk...I think Lingerie. I went shopping for silk lingerie and what do you know, its ALL polyester! No silk in stores at all. Went to 5 different stores and was a tad put out. So...I'm ordering it online. This site actually had silk AND plus size and I highly recommend them:
Very stylish and tasteful and SILK! *grins*

so tomorrow is the big day and I won't have it by then, but I'm sure he won't mind if I make it up to him later. Anyone wanna guess which ones I ordered? *grins*


Mrs. Random said...

This would be the only traditional anniversary gift the Jedi would dig.

Mrs. Random said...

Did you go with a black sheer?

Impossible Mom said...

he might of loved our leather anniversary too *smirks*

Black sheer is close, but no.

Mrs. Random said...

Ya, he might have loved the leather one. Too bad there isn't a chain mail anniversary ;)

Impossible Mom said...

there is....but you've passed that one already too. See, Chainmail is made of Iron and iron is the 6th year anniversary. 11th is steel, might of been able to stretch that one too. but, again, past. 13th is lace...but I'm guessing thats past as well. Now all you have are precious metals and gems. *grins*