Well, you know what I'm trying to say there. Its back to days of yellow buses and nice crisp uniforms. See through back packs and art for my walls! Yes, they are in Kindergarten this year, from 115-415 every weekday, they are their new teachers responsibility. They are loving it so far.
Everyone survived Vegas and my house was still intact when I got home, so thats good. We had a blast and even won some money! Penny slots rawk! Was a good relaxing time before school started.
So...now that this yellow bus has come back into my life, I thought I needed a bit of a plan for the year. As much as I like to tote schedules, I don't do very well with ridged ones. So I set goals. My goals for this school year are as follows:
1. Exercise at least 15 min 3 times a week.
2. Clean something at least 2 hours a week.
3. Start making healthier dinners since I have time before the kids get home.
4. Work on something fun (gaming to WoW based) at least one day a week
5. Take one full 3 hour afternoon to myself every week.
6. Start making goal lists of things to work on teaching, and UNteaching the kids. prioritize these in order of how much they need to be done. Pick one for each kid.
7. Start working on Licker to sit for short periods and eat "real" food at the table. Meal times, not as important as Trouble doesn't follow them, but he at least eats "meals".
8. Be in good contact with their teachers to find more activities for the house.
9. spend more time trying to play with the kids.
All goals I think that can be accomplished this year. We'll see in a few months how well I'm doing. I'm not even sure I have a bubble to burst....but go ahead and try if you like!