Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Spring was Delayed

They tell me the groundhog saw his shadow...or whatever it is that makes spring come early. The problem is that it came early..and left even earlier! We had temps in the 70's last week. We were wearing shorts and opening windows. Heck, we were even sweating! Then this week comes along and so far, we barely got above 40. The First two days of spring break looked like this:
What is WRONG with these pictures? WINTER COATS. Lets lose the need and get some warmth into our spring break...please?

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Oh Yes it's POTTY time, and the feelin's right!

Oh yes. We are going there. No, not there. That picture is the beautiful version of other people's potty time. Those 5 of you who happen to read my blog know that will not be how this works.

First of all, my children are 8, and have autism. We are doing them one at a time. The intensive method where you spend ALL DAY in the potty.

No, I don't mean in a "I ate some bad fish" kind of way. I mean a "Sit and stare at your child on the potty for hours and hours from waking until bedtime" kind of way.

We are starting with Licker. He stays dry for the longest time so we figured he was the most ready. We start on April 8th at 6:30am. Once he wakes, all his food and some of his kinda fun toys will be in or near the Potty. We sit him for 30 min and if he doesn't pee he gets a 2 min break. There is a lot of math involved so I'm hoping that I'll be able to read my notes after the third hour of watching him scream on the potty.

Yes, I could be optimistic and hope that he trains the first day. Actually, I do hope, but I am also a realist and know that there is a possibility this will continue for up to 5 more days (because at that point Trouble needs dental surgery). I'm hoping for the best. if any of you want to stop by and laugh or try and save my sanity...you know where I am :)

Lets hope the weekend doesn't end with this!